Root Growth of Wild-Type and Ethylene Response Mutants Grown on Media Containing ABA.
(A) Root elongation of wild type (filled squares), ein2-44 (open triangles), and etr1-4 (open circles).
(B) Root elongation of wild type (WT), abi1-1, and several ethylene-insensitive mutants when grown on media containing 10 μM ABA.
Seven- to 10-day-old seedlings were placed on minimal media supplemented with increasing concentrations of ABA. Root elongation was measured after 4 days. Root growth on ABA was relative to the mean root elongation of the same genotype on minimal media. Each value represents the mean measurement for five to 15 seedlings. Experiments were conducted twice with wild-type and ein2 mutants and gave similar results, whereas experiments involving various etr1 alleles and ein3 were performed once.