Figure 10.
Expression Pattern of OsBRI1 in Various Organs.
Total RNA (10 μg) from various organs of wild-type plants was probed by hybridization with an OsBRI1 cDNA clone.
(A) Organ-specific expression of OsBRI1. Lane 1, leaf blade; lane 2, leaf sheath; lane 3, developed flower; lane 4, rachis; lane 5, shoot apex; lane 6, root; and lane 7, seed.
(B) Region-specific expression of OsBRI1 in developing first internodes. Lane 1, node; lane 2, divisional zone; lane 3, elongation zone; and lane 4, elongated zone.
(C) Differential expression of OsBRI1 in each elongating internode. Lanes 1 to 4, the divisional and elongation zones of the first to fourth internodes, respectively, at the actively elongating stage for each internode; lane 5, the unelongated stem at the vegetative phase.
(D) Light-dependent and BL-dependent expression of OsBRI1 (upper panel). Rice seedlings were grown for 10 days in the light (lanes 1 and 2) or dark (lanes 3 and 4) on agar plates in the presence (lanes 2 and 4) or absence (lanes 1 and 3) of 1 μM BL. The middle panel shows the amount of the actin mRNA probed with an expressed sequence tag clone, S14002, from Rice Genome Project as a control.