Figure 4.
smt1 Is Defective in Embryogenesis.
(A) to (J) The embryos of wild-type SMT1 ([A] to [E]) and smt1 ([F] to [J]).
(B) and (F) Early globular stage.
(C) and (G) Midglobular stage.
(D) and (H) Late globular stage.
(E) and (I) Heart stage.
(F) and (J) Late heart stage.
(K) to (O) Examples of awry embryogenesis in smt1 siliques.
(K) and (L) Extensive necrosis and cellular swelling of embryo sac with early globular stage embryo.
(M) Extensive necrosis of embryo sac with heart stage embryo.
(N) A massive globular embryo lacking any of the form of wild-type embryos.
(O) Late heart stage embryo with three cotyledons forming at the apex.
(P) and (Q) smt1 seedlings germinated on plant nutrient agar (PNA) and left for 1 month.
(P) Monocot, dicot, and tricot (from left to right).
(Q) Crown cotyledon (above) and ringed cotyledon (below).