Figure 5.
DNA Structure of Four Mutant Alleles of smt1.
(A) DNA gel blot hybridization of smt1-1 and smt1-2. Genomic DNA was separated according to size after digestion with HindIII. The nylon blot was hybridized to an Ac DNA fragment and then was stripped and hybridized to the SMT1 cDNA. The gel mobility of molecular weight markers is indicated at left in kilobase pairs (kb).
(B) The location and description of the lesions in the mutants. The HindIII genomic fragment that complements the smt1-3 is at the top. The lefthand HindIII-SalI fragment was fused to uidA in the SMT1::GUS fusion. (AGI predicts that the very 3′ end of the open reading frame of the next gene MSH12.11 is at the lefthand HindIII site.) The SMT1 exons are depicted as boxes joined by lines and introns as spacing relative to their nucleotide length. The predicted open reading frame in exon boxes is blackened.