Figure 6.
Ovule Formation in Double Mutants of Negative Regulators of AG.
(A) ap2-2 ovules at anthesis.
(B) A close-up of a lug-2 ap2-2 double mutant carpel. Although the carpel is unfused, two rows of ovule primordia have initiated.
(C) An ant-9 single mutant ovule. The ovule does not develop any integument. Arrows indicate the anticipated integument initiation site.
(D) A close-up of the ant-9 ap2-2 double mutant carpel. Like ant-9 single mutants, ap2-2 ant-9 double mutants form ovules. These ovules do not have any integument. Arrows indicate the anticipated integument initiation site.
(E) clf-2 single mutant seeds.
(F) Developing ovules in lug-8 clf-2 double mutants. Some of these ovules have a protruding inner integument (arrow), similar to ovules of lug single mutants (Roe et al., 1997; Schneitz et al., 1997).