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. 2001 Aug 1;20(15):4309–4323. doi: 10.1093/emboj/20.15.4309

Table II. Testing effect of the Δdim 22 allele on RIP.

Cross Relevant genotypea RIP (%)b hph (%)c
N1879 × N1851 Δdim-2, am/am × Δdim-2 52  
N1879 × N150 Δdim-2, am/am × (+) 48 42
N1880 × N1851 am/am × Δdim-2 56 58
N1880 × N150d
am/am × (+)
N1851 × N1879 Δdim-2 × Δdim-2, am/am 56  
N150 × N1879 (+) × Δdim-2, am/am 24 38
N1851 × N1880 Δdim-2 × am/am 40 44
N150 × N1880d (+) × am/am 64  

aΔdim-2 designates the Δdim-22 allele; am/am designates an am gene duplication resulting from an ectopic copy of am plus the native allele. When not listed, the alleles of dim-2 and am are wild type (+). The female strains are listed first.

bRIP was calculated in all crosses for 50 random progeny as the ratio of Am progeny to one half of the number of total progeny.

cProgeny were tested for independent segregation of the hph marker (expectation: 50%), which was inserted at dim-2 in building the dim-2 deletion allele.

dProgeny from crosses with the strain N1880 were tested by Southern analysis for RFLP with BamH1 and EcoRI to verify the occurrence of RIP.