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. 2003 Jan 17;3:2. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-3-2

Table 2.


Yes No Total Responses Potential Responses*
Why did you not undertake a Cochrane review?
 Lack of time 18 5 23 36
 Other issues 17 5 22 36
 Need to undergo specific Cochrane training 11 13 24 36
 Timeline too tight 10 11 21 36
 Not willing to update review 8 14 22 36
 Difficulty with Cochrane system 6 17 23 36
 Topic already registered 4 15 19 36

Would you consider converting your review to Cochrane format? 17 19 36 36
Would you object to having someone else convert your review? 4 24 28 36
Would you like to be consulted on choice of author? 14 9 23 36

If you would convert your review, what resources would you need?
 Dedicated time 14 1 15 17
 Learning the Cochrane system 12 2 14 17
 Assistance with updating 10 3 13 17
 Statistical support 10 4 14 17
 Data entry 9 4 13 17
 Financial support 8 3 11 17
 Institutional support 8 4 12 17
 Obtaining articles 8 5 13 17
 Obtaining translation of articles 7 5 12 17
 Other support 6 4 10 17
 Project management 6 6 12 17

If you are not interested in converting your review, what resources would lead you to reconsider?
 Dedicated time 6 6 12 19
 Assistance with updating 4 7 11 19
 Financial support 3 7 10 19
 Statistical support 3 8 11 19
 Obtaining articles 2 8 10 19
 Learning the Cochrane system 2 9 11 19
 Institutional support 1 8 9 19
 Obtaining translation of articles 1 8 9 19
 Other support 1 8 9 19
 Data entry 1 9 10 19
 Project management 0 9 9 19

*Not all respondents chose to answer each question.