Protection conferred by p53 does not appear to be
related to sustained G1 arrest. (A–D) Twenty-four hours
after either mock irradiation or UV irradiation with 20
J/m2, BrdU pulse-labeled HT29-tsp53 cells (15-min pulse)
were subjected to two-parameter flow cytometry analysis as described in
Figure 1. (A) Cells were maintained at 38°C throughout the experiment
(protocol 1; Table 1). (B) Cells were switched to 32°C immediately
after UV irradiation (protocol 2). (C) Cells were switched to 32°C
24 h before UV irradiation and maintained at 32°C during the
post-UV incubation period (protocol 4). (D) The cell cycle
distributions (as in A–C) of mock-irradiated (white bars) or UV-irradiated (black
bars) HT29-tsp53 cells subjected to protocols 1, 2, and 4 were
determined from multiple experiments. (E) HT29-tsp53 cells were
subjected to protocols 1, 2, and 4 (Table 1), BrdU labeled continuously
for 12 h after mock irradiation or UV irradiation with 20
J/m2, and subjected to two-parameter flow cytometry
analysis. Results are expressed as the percentage of cells that entered
S phase within 12 h after UV irradiation. Each point in D and E
represents the mean ± SE of two to four experiments.