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. 2004 Nov;19(11):1069–1079. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1497.2004.30384.x

Table 1.

Participant Characteristics

Characteristic No. (%)
 Female 138 (55)
  White or European American 133 (59)
  Black or African American 40 (18)
  Asian or Asian American 37 (16)
  Hispanic 17 (8)
 Median age, y (range) 39 (18 to 85)
  High school graduate or less 47 (19)
  Some college/college graduate 128 (52)
  Postcollege education 72 (29)
 Yearly income, $
  <20,000 57 (24)
  20,000 to 39,999 55 (23)
  40,000 to 59,999 43 (18)
  60,000+ 87 (36)
Health and health care characteristics
 Chronic medical problem or disability 69 (28)
 Daily prescription medicine 117 (47)
 Mean number of prescription medicines (range) 3.4 (1 to 25)
 Self-rated health status excellent or very good 118 (48)
 Current regular MD 139 (56)
 Own MD style*
  Biomedical 54 (39)
  Patient-centered 84 (61)
 Satisfaction with own MD (extremely or very)* 99 (71)
CAM usage
 Any CAM use 189 (76)
 Use of supplements, herbs, or folk remedies 137 (55)
 Disclosure of CAM use to MD 33 (50)

In subset of participants with a regular MD (N = 139).

In subset of participants with a regular MD who use supplements, herbs, or folk remedies (N = 70).

CAM, complementary and alternative medicine.