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. 2004 Nov;19(11):1069–1079. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1497.2004.30384.x

Table 2.

Bivariable Predictors of Preferred Physician Interviewing Style (N = 250)

Demographic Characteristic (N) No. (%) Preferring Biomedical Interviewing Style No. (%) Preferring Patient-centered Interviewing Style P Value CHI-2
Level of education
 </= 12th grade (47) 24 (51) 23 (49) .003 11.8
 </= College grad (128) 34 (27) 94 (73)
 > College grad (71) 17 (24) 54 (76)
Age, y
 18 to 29 (62) 11 (18) 51 (82) .013 8.63
 30 to 59 (148) 48 (32) 100 (68)
 60+ (38) 17 (45) 21 (55)
Gender concordance*
 Female MD-female patient (49) 11 (22) 38 (78) .02 5.77
 Female MD-male patient (36) 17 (47) 19 (53)
MD is open-minded
 < Important (1 to 3) (11) 8 (73) 3 (27) .004 9.67
 > Important (4 to 5) (238) 68 (29) 170 (71)
MD interest in patient as person
 < Important (1 to 3) (39) 21 (54) 18 (46) .001 11.9
 > Important (4 to 5) (210) 55 (26) 155 (74)
Use of CAM
 Yes (188) 48 (26) 140 (75) .006 8.17
 No (60) 27 (45) 33 (55)
Use of herbal medicine
 Yes (89) 12 (14) 77 (87) <.0001 19.0
 No (160) 64 (40) 96 (60)
Own MD style
 Biomedical MD (54) 38 (70) 16 (30) <.0001 49.5
 Patient-centered MD (84) 10 (12) 74 (88)
Last video seen
 Patient-centered MD (125) 25 (20) 100 (80) <.0001 13.1
 Biomedical MD (124) 51 (41) 73 (59)

Subset of participants (N = 85) who viewed Tape Pair I.

Subset of participants (N = 138) who had a current regular physician.

CAM, complementary and alternative medicine.