FIG. 1.
Increased ploidy in Rbf1 and Dp mutant follicle cells. Each panel contains a FACS profile of follicle cells isolated from different genotypes. Open traces indicate total cell population. Filled traces indicate the GFP+ subset of the total population that was marked by using the c323 GAL4 driver. (A) Wild-type follicle cells. Four distinct populations that represent 2C, 4C, 8C, and 16C DNA content were evaluated. In this experiment all follicle cells are genetically c323-GAL4/+ and UAS-GFP/+. Because of asynchrony in endocycles, some cells attain 8C and 16C before GFP is activated in stage 9. (B) Rbf120/Rbf14 mutant cells. (C) E2f2329/E2f2329 mutant cells. (D) Df(2R)vg56/Dpa1 mutant cells. In panels B to C only half of the follicle cell population is genetically UAS-GFP/+. Note that the 32C population is present in both Rbf1 and Dp mutants but not in the E2f2 mutants. The 32C population in Dp mutant cells was positively identified in five independent experiments.