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. 2003 Sep;18(9):685–695. doi: 10.1046/j.1525-1497.2003.21215.x

Table 4.

Student, Resident, and Faculty Views of How Well Their Medical Education Has Prepared Them to Provide and Teach End-of-life Care

Rating of Preparation*
Aspect of Care or Teaching Very Well Moderately Well Not Very Well/Not Well At All Likelihood Ratio χ2 Statistic, P Value
Preparation to provide care
 Talk to a patient about his or her thoughts and fears about dying
  Student 17 44 39 7.67, <.02
  Resident 23 46 31
 Address cultural issues related to a patient's end-of-life care
  Student 13 32 55 3.55, .17
  Resident 10 31 59
 Address spiritual issues related to a patient's end-of-life care
  Student 12 38 49 2.22, .53
  Resident 12 34 54
 Manage your own feelings about a patient's dying and death
  Student 12 41 47 7.02, .03
  Resident 15 45 40
 Help family members during bereavement
  Student 12 42 46 10.07, .01
  Resident 14 49 37
 Manage the pain of a dying patient
  Student 19 54 27 31.06, <.0001
  Resident 30 54 16
 Discuss end-of-life care decisions with a patient
  Student 21 53 26 44.00, <.0001
  Resident 37 48 15
Preparation to teach
 Talk to a patient about his or her thoughts and fears about dying
  Resident 11 43 46 45.39, <.0001
  Faculty 26 52 22
 Address cultural issues related to a patient's end-of-life care§
  Faculty 12 41 47 NA
 Address spiritual issues related to a patient's end-of-life care§
  Faculty 18 42 39 NA
 Manage their own feelings about a patient's dying and death
  Resident 6 31 63 45.18, <.0001
  Faculty 19 46 35
 Help family members during bereavement
  Resident 9 38 53 34.68, <.0001
  Faculty 24 45 31
 Manage the pain of a dying patient
  Resident 16 54 30 22.73, <.0001
  Faculty 33 48 19
 Discuss end-of-life care decisions with a patient§
  Faculty 38 46 16 NA

Not all percentages total 100% because of rounding.

Student question: “Sometimes students learn from being explicitly taught and sometimes by learning skills on their own. I'd like to ask about what you've been explicitly taught in your medical school courses and clerkships, including what you have been taught in one-on-one sessions with residents and attendings. How well has your medical education prepared you to…” Resident question: “Sometimes people learn from being explicity taught and sometimes by learning skills on their own. I'd like to ask you about what you've been explicity taught in your medical education, including medical school, residency, and what you have been taught in one-on-one sessions with attendings. How well has your medical education prepared you to…”

Resident question: “How well has your medical education prepared you to teach others to…” Faculty question: “How well has your training and experience prepared you to teach others to…”


Residents were not asked about these items.