Office Visit and Physician-specific Questions Asked of Both Study Groups (Phase I)
How do you rate….? |
(5-point ordinal scale where 1 = excellent, 2 = very good, 3 = good, 4 = fair, 5 = poor) |
…your office visit overall? |
…how clear and understandable the information was about your medical problems? |
…amount of time spent with you during the office visit? |
…the thoroughness of your office visit? |
…how much you were involved in decisions about your health care? |
…the convenience of the appointment time you received? |
…the amount of time it took you to register downstairs? |
…the amount of time from when you first registered to the time the nurse saw you? |
…the amount of time you spent in the examining room waiting for the doctor? |
…how comfortable you were with your doctor? |
…how courteous your doctor was to you during the office visit? |
…your doctor's knowledge about your medical problems? |
…doctor's concern about your feelings and needs? |
…your doctor overall? |