Coronary artery disease |
Plaintiff expert: “I certainly would have referred him to a stress test or to a cardiologist.” |
Defense expert: “Pain, the one that seemed to occur before he came in, seemed…even wild for atypical angina…I would think it would not be necessary to do a treadmill in every case of a mysterious kind of chest pain.” |
Appendicitis |
Plaintiff expert: “36–48 hours of incorporating a good trial of antibiotics, [she] wasn't getting better, white count, temperature remains [I would have scoped].” |
Defense expert: “Anybody looking at that record [before the 5th day of hospitalization] would have concluded that it was PID.” |
Breast cancer |
Plaintiff expert: “It's…my opinion that by, I think, [September '92] you had sufficient soft findings to warrant biopsy…of that axillary lymph node.” |
Defense expert: “Symptoms that come and go…are just almost always innocent…there are many things that will cause axillary adenopathy…[in September '92], the standard of care did not require subsequent examination.” |