Immunoreactivity of an antigen capture ELISA to crude preparations of fungal antigens
Antigena | OD at 450 nmb |
P. marneffei MCFAg | 1.540 |
P. marneffei YEAg | 1.417 |
C. albicans | 0.125 |
C. neoformans | 0.151 |
H. capsulatum | 0.154 |
A. fumigatus | 0.163 |
A. flavus | 0.194 |
Culture medium (SDA) | 0.110 |
Fungal strains were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, Md.; the Microbiology Reference Center, Thailand Institute of Science and Technological Research, Bangkok; and Department of Clinical Pathology, Ramathibodi Hospital Faculty of Medicine, Mahidol University. The protein content of each fungal antigen preparation was adjusted to 1 μg/ml. A 50-μl volume was used for analysis. SDA, Sabourand dextrose agar.
Mean OD determined by duplicate assays performed on three separate occasions.