Cell cycle-dependent
polyubiquitination of mammalian E2-C. (A) Mouse NIH 3T3 cells were
arrested at metaphase by nocodazole treatment and then were incubated
in nocodazole-free medium for the indicated times in the absence or
presence of the proteasome inhibitor LLnL at a concentration of 250
μM. Cell lysates were prepared and subjected to immunoprecipitation
(IP) with anti-mE2-C, and the resulting precipitates were subjected to
immunoblot analysis (IB) with either antiubiquitin (upper
panel) or anti-mE2-C (lower panel). The positions of mE2-C,
polyubiquitinated mE2-C (mE2-C-Ubn), and immunoglobulin
light chain (IgL) are indicated. (B) Human HeLa cells were subjected to
metaphase arrest, were incubated for the indicated times in
nocodazole-free medium in the presence of LLnL, and were subjected to
immunoprecipitation and immunoblot analysis, as in (A). The
positions of hE2-C, monoubiquitinated hE2-C (hE2-C-Ub1),
polyubiquitinated hE2-C (hE2-C-Ubn), and IgL are indicated.
(C) A recombinant GST fusion protein of mE2-C was incubated for 1
h at 37°C in the absence (–) or presence of various concentrations
(0.25 μg/μl, 0.5 μg/μl, 1.0 μg/μl, 2.5 μg/μl, and 5.0
μg/μl) of cell extract prepared from HeLa cells 2 h after
release from nocodazole-induced arrest. The fusion protein then was
immunoprecipitated with anti-GST and ws subjected to
immunoblot analysis with antiubiquitin (upper panel) or
anti-mE2-C (lower panel). (D) Cell lysates were prepared from NIH 3T3
cells expressing Myc-tagged mE2-C that had been arrested at metaphase
by nocodazole treatment and incubated for 0 or 1 h in
nocodazole-free medium. The lysates were subjected to
immunoprecipitation with anti-Myc, and the resulting precipitates were
boiled in SDS-containing buffer and were subjected to
reimmunoprecipitation with anti-Myc. The final precipitates then were
subjected to immunoblot analysis with antiubiquitin (upper
panel) or anti-mE2-C (lower panel). The asterisk indicates a
nonspecific band.