pas1+ is required for
full cdc18+ mRNA induction. (A) The
cdc18+ transcript is not fully induced
during the G1-S transition in the
Δpas1 mutant. Wild-type (EV3A),
Δpas1 (K182-A7), and
complemented by the pas1+ gene integration)
(K182-A7-P1) cells were grown to midlog phase at 30°C in MM (+N/2%G)
and then nitrogen-starved in MM (−N/2%G) for 48 h to be arrested
in G1. The cells were then released by transfer into MM
(+N/2%G) at 30°C. Cell aliquots were taken every 30 min, and
cdc18+ expression was examined by Northern
hybridization. (B) The cdc18+ mRNA levels
shown in A were quantified with BAS2000 (Fuji Film, Tokyo, Japan). (C)
cdc2+ transcription is not affected in the
Δpas1 mutant.
cdc2+ expression was examined by Northern
hybridization with the use of the same filters used in A. (D) The
cdc2+ mRNA levels shown in C were quantified
with BAS2000 (Fuji Film).