Spreading of BAE cells on TSP1 is regulated by
confluence but not by proliferation. (A) Adhesion of endothelial cells
on an α3β1 integrin–binding peptide from TSP1. TSP1
peptide 678 (FQGVLQNVRFVF) or analogues of this peptide with the
indicated Ala substitutions (*) were adsorbed on bacteriological
polystyrene substrates at 10 μM in PBS. Direct adhesion of BAE cells
to the adsorbed peptides or uncoated substrate (control) is presented
as means ± SD (n = 3). (B) Loss of cell–cell contact
stimulates endothelial cell spreading on TSP1. Two flasks of BAE cells
were grown to confluence. One flask was harvested and replated in
fresh medium at 25% confluence. Fresh medium was
added at the same time to the second flask. After 16 h, cells from
both flasks were dissociated with the use of EDTA, and adhesion was
measured on substrates coated with 40 μg/ml TSP1, 10 μg/ml
vitronectin, 20 μg/ml plasma fibronectin, or 5 μg/ml type I
collagen. The percent spread of cells from confluent (closed bars) or
sparse cultures (striped bars) after 60 min is presented as means
± SD (n = 3) for a representative experiment. (C) Cell
contact–dependent regulation of α3β1 integrin is
independent of proliferation. Confluent BAE cell cultures and duplicate
cultures treated with 5-fluorouracil were fed (confluent and
confluent+5FU), dissociated and replated at low density in fresh medium
24 h before use (replated sparse and sparse+5FU), or dissociated
and replated at their original density in fresh medium for 24 h
(replated confl.). After 24 h, the cells were dissociated and
tested for spreading on TSP1. Results are presented as means ± SD
(n = 3). Significance was assessed with the use of a two-tailed
t test, and values of p < 0.05 compared with the
confluent control are indicated by asterisks above the bars.