Spreading on TSP1 induced by loss of
cell–cell contact is inhibited by the α3β1
integrin–binding peptide from TSP1. BAE cells dissociated with
the use of EDTA from confluent (a and b) or 16-h sparse cultures (c–f)
were incubated for 60 min on substrates coated with 40 μg/ml TSP1 (a,
c, and e) or 20 μg/ml fibronectin (b, d, and f). Adhesion was
performed in the presence of 30 μM TSP1 peptide 678 (e and f). Cells
were fixed with 1% glutaraldehyde and stained with the use of
Diff-quik (Dade, Miami, FL). Bar in a, 25 μm. (g) Spread of
cell areas for 100 cells each from the experiments presented in a (○)
and c (●) were quantified from digitized images with the use of
Image-Pro Plus software.