FIG. 5.
Analysis of DNA synthesis in organotypic raft cultures. HPV16 reprograms terminally differentiating cells to undergo unscheduled DNA synthesis. Shown are organotypic raft cultures of HPV16WT-harboring NIKS cells (A), HPV16 E5XCM−-harboring NIKS cells (B), and untransfected NIKS cells (C). BrdU was added to culture media 8 h prior to harvest. BrdU incorporation was detected by immunohistochemical staining using an antibody to BrdU. Shown is BrdU-specific immunohistochemical staining (brown nuclei) with hematoxylin counterstain (blue nuclei). BrdU was detected only in the basal compartment of untransfected NIKS cells (C). In contrast, BrdU was detected in both the basal and suprabasal compartment of HPV16WT- and HPV16E5XCM−-harboring NIKS (A and B). However, the graph (D) demonstrates that there is a quantitative reduction (approximately twofold) in the percentage of BrdU-positive cells in the supraparabasal compartment of HPV16E5XCM− mutant-harboring rafts compared with that of HPV16WT rafts (D). To obtain the data graphed, BrdU-positive cells from 7 populations of untransfected NIKS cells, 8 populations of independently derived populations of NIKS cells harboring HPV16WT genomes, and 10 independently derived populations of NIKS cells harboring HPV16 E5XCM− genomes were counted from four independent experiments (10 fields per slide at a magnification of ×40) as described in Materials and Methods.