Inhibition of COPI binding to Golgi membranes by
RGS4. (A) Both purified, wild-type RGS4 and RGS4(L159F) inhibit binding
of COPI to Golgi membranes in vitro. Golgi membranes were incubated
with equal amounts of 6His-RGS4 (wild type), 6His-RGS4 (L159F), or
6His-β-Gal (5 μg) in the presence of rat liver cytosol (1 mg of
protein). After extensive washing, membranes were solubilized in
Laemmli buffer, electrophoresed on SDS gels, and
immunoblotted for bound β-COP (top panel). Before
washing, aliquots of the total mixture (membranes plus cytosol) were
removed, electrophoresed, and immunoblotted with an
anti-His antibody (bottom panel). The bar graph represents means
± SEM of bound β-COP intensity under various conditions (five
independent experiments). (B) Membrane-bound RGS4 does not inhibit
β-COP Golgi membrane binding. 6His-RGS4 was incubated with Golgi
membranes before addition of cytosol (bottom panel, lane 2); all other
lanes contained only buffer in the first incubation. Membranes were
pelleted by centrifugation, and unbound protein was removed by washing.
Pellets were then incubated with cytosol, GTPγS (25 μM), and either
buffer (lane 2) or 6His-RGS4 (lane 4) in a second incubation before
recentrifugation, solubilization in Laemmli buffer, and electrophoresis
and immunoblotting with a β-COP antibody (top panel).
The bar graph represents the relative β-COP intensity for each
condition in the experiment shown; a subsequent similar experiment gave
equivalent results.