Differential localization of GFP lamin B3 tail
chimeras. HeLa cells transiently transfected with GFP lamin tail
chimeras were fixed 24 h after transfection and examined by
fluorescence confocal laser scan microscopy. Schemes of the chimeras
are given at the top. The nomenclature of the chimeras corresponds to
that of the lamin constructs listed in Table 1. The basic cluster and
the palmitoylation site both contribute to NE targeting (C–E, I, and
K). Targeting to the NE is most efficient in the presence of both
motifs (C and I). The basic cluster acts as a NLS (I, K, and L).
Constructs that lack a NLS but contain a palmitoylation site and a CaaX
motif are associated with the PM, the Golgi, and peri-Golgi vesicles (H
and J). Arrows in C indicate NE indentations decorated by the GFP-B3bwt
chimera. Bar in L, 50 μm.