Coimmunoprecipitation of PIPs with the 19S
regulatory particle. (A–C) A subset of the genes listed in Table 3 was
modified to encode proteins tagged with the TEV2myc9 epitope, and
extracts from the resulting tagged strains were prepared as described
in MATERIALS AND METHODS. Tagged antigens were immunoprecipitated with
anti-myc antibody covalently coupled to protein A, and
immunoprecipitates were evaluated for their content of 19S subunits by
SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblotting with polyclonal
antibodies to Rpt1, Rpt6, and Rpn10, as indicated. In A, L refers to
extract used for immunoprecipitation (3% of input) and B refers to the
washed and SDS-eluted immunoprecipitates (Beads, 25% of bound). In B
and C, only the washed immunoprecipitates (Beads) were evaluated. The
experiment shown in B is similar to that shown in A, except that the
blot was allowed to develop longer to reveal the specific
coimmunoprecipitation of Rpt1 and Rpt6 with Ubp6myc9. (D)
Equivalent amounts of extracts from DAQ1myc9
(RJD 1487) and RPT1FH (RJD 1171) were
immunoprecipitated in the absence of ATP by using α-myc and α-flag
beads, respectively. Equal aliquots of each immunoprecipitate were
visualized by Coomassie blue staining. Rpn1 and Rpn2 are highlighted to
indicate that equivalent amounts of bona fide 19S subunits are
recovered in Daq1myc9 and Rpt1FH
immunoprecipitates. (E) Extracts from
NAS6myc9, and cells containing no tagged
proteins were immunoprecipitated by using α-myc–coated beads in the
presence and absence of ATP, as indicated in the figure. Aliquots were
resolved on SDS-gels and immunoblotted with anti-Rpt1/Rpt6
polyclonal antibodies. L refers to 2% of the extract loaded for
immunoprecipitation, and B refers to the washed and SDS-eluted
immunoprecipitates (Beads, 33% of bound).