H. schachtii population and plant yield data in relation to various proportions of suppressive 9E soila
% of suppressive soil | No. of cysts per g of soil | No. of eggs per g of soil | Plant top dry wt (g) |
0 | 1.9c | 237.3b | 63.1a |
0.1 | 1.4bc | 180.2b | 64.8a |
1 | 1.0ab | 134.1b | 64.2a |
10 | 0.8a | 71.6a | 71.9a |
100 | 0.8a | 63.5a | 59.4a |
For each column to the right of the leftmost column, results represented by entries with identical suffixed letters were not significantly different when analyzed with the Fisher's protected LSD test at P = 0.05.