Yeast complementation experiments. The strain
BK203-15B carries a lethal deletion of the TRG1 gene but is rescued by
the centromer plasmid pWBK-PDI, which contains a copy of the wild-type
TRG1 gene and a URA3 selection marker. BK203-15B was transformed with
different pDS2 constructs (1 = yPDI, 2 = yPDImc, 3 =
vector alone, 4 = Dd-PDI, 5 = Dd-PDI-HDEL, 6 =
Dd-PDIΔC, and 7 = Dd-PDIΔC-HDEL) under the control of the
yeast galactose-inducible GAL1-promoter. Clones from each strain were
then transferred onto a plate containing galactose and 5-FOA (SGC/FOA)
to counterselect for the presence of the centromer plasmid (A). Of the
seven strains, only the five with functional PDI complemented the TRG1
deletion. Finally, these five strains were streaked as indicated in the
diagram on rich medium with galactose or glucose (B). All five strains
grew at indistinguishable speed on galactose (YPG, 2 d). In
contrast, on glucose (YPD, 6 d), only yPDI grew rapidly, followed
in order by Dd-PDIΔC-HDEL and then by both Dd-PDI and Dd-PDI-HDEL.
Dd-PDIΔC exhibited virtually no complementation in this period. None
of the strains picked from the 5-FOA plate grew on plates lacking
uracil (−Ura), demonstrating that growth on YPG and YPD plates was not
due to the presence of the centromer plasmid. yPDI, wild-type yeast
PDI; yPDImc, yeast PDI with both thioredoxin CGHC boxes mutated to