Figure 1.
(a) Structure and numbering scheme of the dG-C8-PhIP adduct. Torsion angle definitions are as follows: χ, O4′-C1′-N9-C4; α′, N9-C8-[PhIP]N2-[PhIP]C2; β′, C8-[PhIP]N2-[PhIP]C2-[PhIP]N1; γ′, [PhIP]C5-[PhIP]C6-[PhIP]C1′-[PhIP]C2′. (b) dG-C8-PhIP-modified DNA sequence used in G·dNTP. Models are derived from a Type I crystal structure of Dpo4 (PDBID: 1S0M) (16). (c) dG-C8-PhIP-modified DNA sequence used in −1 deletion studies. Models are derived from a Type II crystal structure of Dpo4 (PDBID: 1JXL) (15).