Laft-hand column: Time courses of core body temperature, endogenous plasma melatonin, mean eye blink rate per 30-s epoch during Karolinska drowsiness test (KDT), incidence of slow eye movements (SEMs, percentage of 30-s epochs containing at least 1 SEM/5-min interval), and incidence of stage 1 sleep (% of 30-s epochs containing at least 15 s of stage 1 sleep per 5-min interval) are shown, averaged across 10 subjects+ SE. Right-hand column: Time course of subjective sleepiness as assessed on Karolinska sleepiness scale (KSS; highest possible score = 9, lowest possible score = 1), psychomotor vigilance performance [mean, median, 10% slowest and fastest reaction times in ms (logarithmic scale)], cognitive performance (numbers of attempt in 4-min 2-digit addition task), and memory performance (number of correct word pairs in probed recall memory task) are shown averaged across 10 subjects+ SE. All data were binned in 2-h intervals and expressed with respect to elapsed time since scheduled waketime. Vertical reference line indicates subject’s habitual bedtime. Reprinted with permission from Cajochen et al (20). Copyright 1999 American Physiological Society.