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. 2006 Jun 12;7:294. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-7-294

Table 2.

List of top ten genes specific to lung and to fetal lung. Probesets and two entropy scores estimated by ROKU and Schug's method are shown. *Probesets indicate those listed to be "specific to lung" are also listed to be "specific to fetal lung" and vice versa. Note that Schug's method has strong redundancy when similar tissues are selected independently and therefore cannot detect probesets specific only to the objective tissue.

ROKU Schug's method
Probeset ID H(x') Probeset ID Q(x)

Specific to Lung
205207_at 2.483 215454_x_at * 1.223
215677_s_at 4.006 218835_at 1.310
206432_at 4.020 214199_at 1.512
218627_at 4.066 211735_x_at * 1.941
204622_x_at 4.255 205982_x_at * 1.959
205624_at 4.290 214387_x_at * 1.994
216782_at 4.339 37004_at * 2.311
206026_s_at 4.361 209810_at * 2.521
219361_s_at 4.378 217046_s_at 2.820
205027_s_at 4.414 205819_at 3.498
Specific to Fetal lung
204545_at 2.779 205982_x_at * 2.591
221418_s_at 2.879 211735_x_at * 2.662
206315_at 3.252 214387_x_at * 2.863
211300_s_at 3.369 37004_at * 3.151
213417_at 3.399 209810_at * 3.258
206159_at 3.791 38691_s_at 3.716
208474_at 3.883 203417_at 4.307
220707_s_at 3.936 211237_s_at 4.480
206646_at 4.039 215454_x_at * 4.494
221284_s_at 4.044 204468_s_at 4.637