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. 2006 Apr 7;7:194. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-7-194

Table 3.

PC7 Tissue Partitioning and Ordering. Partitioning and ordering of tissues into sets UP7(n = 51) and DOWN7(n = 48) sets found to have significant expression differences for H7 and L7 at test1Thresh = 0.05. Tissues within groups are ordered by decreasing abs (mean (H7)–mean(L7)), which has the effect of placing the most significantly affected tissues at the top of each list. The most significant tissues in UP7 are at the left of Figure 2, and the most significant conditions in DOWN7 are at the right of Figure 2.

SmoothMuscle PB-CD19+Bcells
SmoothMuscle PB-CD19+Bcells
CardiacMyocytes PB-BDCA4+Dentritic_Cells
ADIPOCYTE PB-BDCA4+Dentritic_Cells
ADIPOCYTE lymphomaburkittsRaji
CardiacMyocytes lymphomaburkittsDaudi
TestisGermCell lymphomaburkittsDaudi
bronchialepithelialcells lymphomaburkittsRaji
bronchialepithelialcells PB-CD56+NKCells
PLACENTA bonemarrow
PLACENTA bonemarrow
TestisInterstitial PB-CD56+NKCells
UterusCorpus leukemiapromyelocytic(hl60)
Uterus 721_B_lymphoblasts
FetalThyroid Tonsil
OlfactoryBulb Tonsil
TestisLeydigCell WHOLEBLOOD
UterusCorpus 721_B_lymphoblasts
FetalThyroid leukemiapromyelocytic(hl60)
atrioventricularnode WHOLEBLOOD
TestisInterstitial thymus
TestisLeydigCell PB-CD8+Tcells
TestisSeminiferousTubule PB-CD8+Tcells
atrioventricularnode thymus
DRG lymphnode
Fetallung Heart
Uterus lymphnode
Ciliaryganglion PB-CD14+Monocytes
TestisGermCell PB-CD4+Tcells
AdrenalCortex PB-CD4+Tcells
Fetallung PB-CD14+Monocytes
Ciliaryganglion BM-CD71+EarlyErythroid
SuperiorCervicalGanglion Heart
Ovary BM-CD71+EarlyErythroid
TestisSeminiferousTubule BM-CD34+
Skin BM-CD105+Endothelial
OlfactoryBulb salivarygland
TONGUE leukemialymphoblastic(molt4)
Ovary Liver
TrigeminalGanglion Lung
AdrenalCortex Lung
PancreaticIslets leukemialymphoblastic(molt4)
Skin BM-CD105+Endothelial
Fetalbrain BM-CD33+Myeloid
TrigeminalGanglion salivarygland
Fetalbrain BM-CD33+Myeloid