Rearrangement of actin filaments induced by
ΔN592. (A) GFP-NMHC II-A transfected stable cell lines were cultured
in the absence of Dox (a–c). Some of the full-length myosin (green)
colocalizes with actin (red) to give a yellow image (c). GFP-ΔN592
stable cells were cultured in the presence of Dox (d–f) or in the
absence of Dox for 1 d (g–i) or 4 d (j–l). Rearrangement of
actin filaments (red) can be seen by day 4 in the absence of Dox. Green
indicates ΔN592 and yellow shows areas of overlap between actin (red)
and ΔN592 (green). (B) Images of a field after day 4 in the absence
of Dox, with two rounded cells (arrows, expressing ΔN592) and one
flat cell (arrowhead, not expressing ΔN592) were collected by Z-stack
and three different focal planes (bottom, middle, and top) are shown.
Bar, 20 μm .