Ligand-mediated delivery of Ste2 to
the vacuole is abolished in snc cells and
SNC1ala43 cells shifted to restrictive
temperatures. (A) Delivery of Ste2-GFP, but not Ste2Δ-GFP, to the
vacuole occurs in snc cells grown on galactose.
snc cells (JG8) expressing either Ste2-GFP (snc
STE2) or a C-terminal truncated form of Ste2-GFP (snc
STE2Δ), which does not undergo endocytosis, were grown to log
phase at 26°C before labeling with FM4–64 (see MATERIALS AND
METHODS). Cultures were split, whereby half were mounted in soft agar
containing no additions, while the other half were mounted in agar
containing α-factor (1 μM) and were processed immediately for
microscopy. A composite image of untreated cells is representative of
the zero time (0 min), while specific α-factor–treated cells were
monitored as a function of time. (B) Delivery of Ste2-GFP to the
vacuole is abolished in snc cells grown on glucose.
snc cells (JG8) expressing SNC1
constitutively or bearing a control plasmid were transformed with
plasmids expressing Ste2-GFP to give SNC1 STE2 and
snc STE2 strains, respectively. In addition,
snc cells expressing the truncated form of Ste2-GFP
(snc STE2Δ) also were used. Cells were grown to log
phase at 26°C, before labeling with FM4–64. Next, samples of cells
were mounted in agar containing no additions, while an equal amount was
mounted in agar containing α-factor (1 μM) before visualization, as
described above. (C) Delivery of Ste2-GFP to the vacuole is abolished
in SNC1ala43 cells shifted to the
restrictive temperature. snc cells (JG8) expressing
SNC1ala43 were grown to log phase and either
incubated with FM4–64 at 26°C or shifted for 30 min to 37°C before
labeling with FM4–64 at the restrictive temperature. Cells that were
treated with α-factor (1 μM) were monitored over time by