Figure 4.
Arylsulfatase activity of Sulf-2 in MCF-7 CM. Different volumes of CM obtained from MCF-7 cells or HSulf-2–transfected CHO cells were incubated with Sulf-2 antibody (H2.3) or rabbit IgG coupled to protein A beads. Bead-bound material was tested for arylsulfatase activity against a 10-mM 4-MUS substrate. The same results were obtained from three different experiments. (▪) MCF-7 CM + Sulf-2 antibody (H2.3) beads; (□) HSulf-2 CHO CM + Sulf-2 antibody beads; (▴) MCF-7 CM + rabbit IgG beads; (△) HSulf-2 CHO CM + rabbit IgG beads.