The cDNA and deduced amino acid sequences of Wpkci
(A) and chPKCI (B) and comparison of the levels of sequence identity of
their protein subregions (C). The cDNA sequences of pWpkci-8 (A) and
pchPKCI-3 (B) were determined. The N-terminal Met residue in A was
assigned because of its location nearest to the termination codon in
the 5′ untranslated region, and that in B was assigned by comparison
with the mammalian PKCI sequences. In A and B, termination codons
(asterisks), polyadenylation signals (underlines), and boundaries of
exons (vertical lines) are indicated. The Leu- and Arg-rich region of
Wpkci is boxed in A. The HIT motif containing the conserved His triad
(HVHLH) is double-underlined, and the three His residues involved in
the binding of zinc are circled in B. In C, the residue numbers for the
N terminus, the C terminus, and the last residue of each region,
correspondence to exons I–III, and levels (%) of identity of the
deduced sequences between corresponding regions of Wpkci and chPKCI are
indicated. The sequences of the inserts of pWpkci-8 and pchPKCI-3 are
deposited in the DDBJ, EMBL, and GenBank nucleotide sequence databases
with accession numbers AB026677 and AB026675, respectively.