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. 2006 Jul 15;333(7559):119. doi: 10.1136/bmj.38875.757488.4F

Table 2.

Deaths from injury and poisoning among children aged 0-15 years by external cause for the period 2001-3

Cause ICD-10 codes Deaths (%)
Pedestrian injured in transport incident V01-V09 205 (18)
Events of undetermined intent Y10-Y34 202 (17)
Other accidental threats to breathing W75-W84 173 (15)
Car occupant injured in transport accident V40-V49 142 (12)
Exposure to smoke, fire, and flames X00-X09 92 (8)
Accidental drowning and submersion W65-W74 77 (7)
Pedal cyclist injured in transport accident V10-V19 56 (5)
Other and unspecified transport accidents V20-V39, V50-V99 49 (4)
Falls W00-W19 40 (3)
Exposure to animate and inanimate mechanical forces; heat and hot substances; forces of nature; electrical current W20-W64, X10-X19, X30-X39, W86-W87 33 (3)
Assault X85-Y09 29 (2)
Intentional self harm X60-X84 22 (2)
Accidental exposure to other and unspecified factors X58-X59 17 (1)
Complications of medical and surgical care; sequelae of external causes of morbidity and mortality Y40-Y84, Y85-Y89 15 (1)
Accidental poisoning with and exposure to noxious substances X40-X49 11 (1)
All causes 1163