Effect of BMP2, BMP4, BMP9, and LPS treatment on hepcidin expression in hepatocytes isolated from Hfe−/−, IL-6−/−, and Tfr2m mutant mice. Primary hepatocytes were isolated from perfused livers of Hfe−/− or wild-type 129 mice (A), Tfr2m mutant or AKR wild-type mice (B), and IL-6−/− or C57BL/6J mice (C), seeded at 1.5 × 105 cells per well, and allowed to attach to collagen-coated 12-well plates for 2 h, and BMP2 (150 ng/ml), BMP4 (10 ng/ml), BMP9 (1 ng/ml), or LPS (200 ng/ml) was applied for 12–16 h. Hepcidin and S18 ribosomal protein (S18 RP) (a normalization gene) expression was assayed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR using TaqMan probes. All samples were processed in triplicate, and a graph of experimental values ± SEM from at least two independent experiments is shown.