Figure 4.
MvA plots (described in the text) for Affymetrix’s spike-in experiment. (A) For MAS 5.0, observed log (base 2) fold change (M) is plotted against average log (base 2) expression (A) for all genes from spike-in experiment array pairs. A reference array was selected from one of the replicate spike-in experiments and compared to all other arrays in that replicate experiment. The colored numbers represent the log (base 2) fold change in concentrations of all 14 spiked-in genes. Each distinct fold change is represented with a different color as a visual aid. The –∞ and ∞ represent fold changes with a zero in the numerator or denominator, respectively. The red points represent non-spiked-in genes with a fold change larger than 2. (B) As (A) but using dChip. (C) As (A) but using RMA.