Figure 4.
Sensitivity to CB 1954 of wild-type HT1080 cells and stable transfectants of NTR expression vectors. (A) Schematic diagram of the plasmids with an E. coli NTR gene combined with CMV/IE and 5HRE/hCMVmp expression units. (B) Comparison of the sensitivity of wild-type HT1080 cells to CB 1954 under aerobic (▵) and hypoxic (▴) conditions, of the CMV/IE-NTR clone under aerobic (○) and hypoxic (●) conditions. (C) The sensitivity of the 5HRE/hCMVmp-NTR clone to CB 1954 under aerobic (□) and hypoxic (■) conditions. The error bars show SD of four to six independent experiments.