The Drosophila cytoplasmic dynein
IC associates with the dynein heavy chain. (A) The dynein IC is
enriched in a standard preparation of MAPs from
Drosophila embryos. Equal total protein from each step
in the purification was analyzed by Western blotting with the use of an
antibody that recognizes the cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain (upper
panel) and an antibody that recognizes the dynein IC (lower panel).
Lane 1, homogenate; lane 2, low-speed supernatant (57,000 ×
g); lane 3, high-speed supernatant (125,000 ×
g); lane 4, microtubule-depleted supernatant; lane 5,
microtubule pellet; lane 6, Mg-ATP–extracted microtubule pellet; lane
7, Mg-ATP supernatant. (B) Embryo ATP MAPs were fractionated over a
5–20% sucrose density gradient and collected into 23 aliquots. Equal
volumes of alternate fractions were analyzed by Western blotting. Upper
panel, anti-dynein heavy chain; lower panel, anti-dynein IC. Fraction
numbers are indicated above the appropriate lanes. Sedimentation
standards were as follows: 19S, fraction 11; 11S, fraction 17; 2S,
fraction 22. (C) The 19S dynein peak fraction from the sucrose gradient
shown in B. The IC can be resolved as a triplet of polypeptides by
one-dimensional PAGE. Upper panel, anti-dynein heavy chain; lower
panel, anti-dynein IC. (D) Antibodies against the dynein heavy chain
immunoprecipitate the dynein IC (column 1, P). Similarly, antibodies
against the dynein IC immunoprecipitate the dynein heavy chain (column
2, P). No heavy chain or IC polypeptide is precipitated when beads
alone are used (column 3). P, pellet; S, supernatant.