Overlay assays of adult skeletal muscle extracts
with GST-4.1R-10 kDa variants. (A) Skeletal muscle homogenates were
overlaid with GST-4.1R-10 kDa polypeptides that included or skipped
exon 16 and control GST protein, as indicated above the lanes, followed
by immunoblotting with anti-GST antibodies. A highly
specific and strong association between 4.1R-10 kDa polypeptides and
myosin heavy chain, α-actin, and skeletal tropomyosin was detected
(immunoreactive proteins are denoted by double arrows, single arrows,
and arrowheads, respectively). An additional band of ∼110 kDa was
also observed that remains unidentified (X-protein). (B) Western blot
analysis verified the identity of the immunoreactive bands after
probing three replica blots with anti-myosin (MF20-ab), anti-actin
(JLA20-ab), and anti-tropomyosin (CH1-ab) antibodies.