Characterization of 4.1R isoforms present in
skeletal muscle homogenates by Western blotting (A) and
immunoprecipitation (B). Three different 4.1R antibodies were used:
anti-E17a, anti-22/24 kDa, and anti-Hp; preimmune serum (PI) served as
a negative control. In B, the immunoprecipitation assay was performed
in the presence of either anti-E17a antibody or control rabbit IgG, as
indicated. The blot was subsequently probed with anti-Hp antibody. Sup,
supernatant fraction of anti-E17a immunoprecipitate. One-half of the
immunoprecipitates (Ip) and one-eighth of the supernatant fraction were
loaded onto the respective lanes. The arrows denote the migration
position of the ∼135-kDa isoform, and the double arrowheads point to
the ∼105/110-kDa protein. The closed and open arrowheads indicate the
∼160- and ∼86-kDa polypeptides, respectively.