A schematic representation of CSF-1R signaling to
cyclin D2 gene, in which at least three major pathways are involved.
CSF-1 binding activates CSF-1R (shown as a dimer) and causes receptor
autophosphorylation on tyrosines. The phosphotyrosines recruit
cytoplasmic signaling molecules. Among them, CSF-1R engages three
parallel pathways, Src (via Y559), Grb2/Sos/Ras/MEK/ERKs (via Y697),
and c-myc (via an unknown site[s]), for full induction of D2. The
mechanism by which CSF-1R activates PKCδ and the downstream effector
for Src and PKCδ remain unknown. The approximate time zones show
one-way travel once from the cell surface to the nucleus, and do not
reflect any feedback signaling events. PM, plasma membrane; NM, nuclear