Using the split-Ub technique to identify the
binding sites of Sec62p for the Sec-complex by an in vivo competition
assay. Nug-Sec62p, Sec63-Cub-RUra3p, and a
fragment of Sec62p (X, red bar) are expressed in one cell. Pathway 1:
when X does not or only weakly interacts with Sec63p, the
Nug-labeled Sec62p is allowed to bind to the
Cub-labeled Sec63p (both Ub-halves are in green). The
induced proximity between Nug and Cub leads to
their efficient reassociation. The assembled Ub is recognized by the
UBPs, and the RUra3p reporter (yellow) is cleaved and subsequently
degraded. The cells are phenotypically ura−. Pathway 2: X binds to
Sec63p and displaces Nug-Sec62p from its complex. The
increased distance between the Nug and Cub
inhibits their reassociation. The RUra3p reporter remains linked to
Cub and is not degraded. The cells are phenotypically