Nup53p mediates nuclear import of a NLS-GFP
reporter. (A) Intracellular localization of the NLS-GFP reporter in
Δnup53, wild-type BMA41 control cells, and
nup49-313 control cells (Table 1) after azide and
deoxyglucose treatment (i.e., 0 min) and after recovery from the drug
treatment in a glucose-containing medium (i.e., 15 and 120 min). Shown
are confocal fluorescence micrographs (left) and coincident
fluorescence/differential interference contrast images (right). (B)
Quantification of the relative import rates in the
Δnup53 and the wild-type BMA41 control cells by
counting cells harboring nuclear fluorescence as a function of time.
(C) Immunogold-EM reveals that the NLS-GFP reporter accumulates within
the nuclear basket of the yeast NPCs in the Δnup53
cells (for quantification see Table 2). (D) Nup53p specifically
interacts with the yeast nuclear import receptor Kap95p. For this
purpose, ProtA-TEV-Nup53p was affinity purified by IgG-Sepharose
chromatography and analyzed for copurifying components. Shown is a
Western blot analysis with a polyclonal anti-Ka95p antibody revealing
the specific interaction of Nup53p with Kap95p. Lane 1, NPC-containing
fraction of a wild-type control strain (BMA41); lane 2, eluate derived
from the wild-type control strain; lane 3, NPC-containing fraction of
the strain expressing ProtA-TEV-Nup53p; and lane 4, eluate derived from
the ProtA-TEV-Nup53p. Scale bar, 100 nm (C).