Localization of NID-1 in wild-type animals.
Animals were stained with anti–NID-1 (A, C, E, and G–K) and
anti-myosin A (B, D, F, and L). (A and B) A comma stage embryo shows
strong accumulation of NID-1 around body wall muscle cells (arrowhead)
and diffuse association with the pharyngeal and intestinal primordia.
(C and D) A twofold stage embryo shows NID-1 accumulation on the basal
face of body wall muscles (arrowhead) and on the surfaces of the
developing pharynx (p), intestine (i), and gonad (g). (E and F) A
threefold stage embryo showing NID-1 localized under the four body wall
muscle quadrants (arrowheads) and on the surfaces of the pharynx (p)
and intestine (i). A body wall muscle quadrant over the intestine is
indicated with an arrow. (G) In an L1 larva, strong NID-1 accumulation
is seen around the nerve ring (nr). Staining is also seen at the basal
face of body wall muscles (arrowheads) and on the surfaces of the
pharynx (p), intestine (i), and gonad (g). (H) In an L4 larva, there is
strong NID-1 accumulation on the developing spermathecae (st), vulva
(vu), and uterus, and at the distal tip cells (dt). There is also
weaker staining on the surfaces of the pharynx and intestine, at the
nerve ring (nr), and under body wall muscles. (I) In a late L2-early L3
larva, NID-1 accumulates around the distal tip cell (dt) that is
leading growth of the gonad (g). (J) An L4 larva showing strong NID-1
accumulation at the distal tip cell (dt), spermatheca (st), and uterus
(u). (K and L) In an adult animal, NID-1 is distributed in a weak
punctate pattern under the muscle cell dense bodies and is also present
between the muscle quadrants. There is stronger NID-1 accumulation at
the edges of the muscle quadrants (arrows) and weak accumulation
between adjacent muscle cells (arrowheads). vu, vulva.