S. pombe cells lacking Int6 grow
slowly, have reduced levels of p25, and are caffeine sensitive. (A)
Haploid leu1–32 int6+ (+) and
leu1–32 int6::ura4 (Δ) strains transformed
either with pREP3X (vector) or pREP3X-pap1 (REP-pap1)
were grown in EMM2 at 30°C for 16 h after removal of thiamine.
Whole cell extracts prepared from these strains were subjected to
Western blotting using antibodies directed against Int6, Pap1, p25, and
Cdc2 (loading control), as indicated. (B) Two haploid segregants
derived by sporulation of the
strain with genotypes h-
int6+ leu1–32
ade- ura4-D18
(int6+) and h-
int6::ura4+ leu1–32
ade- ura4-D18
(int6Δ) were streaked onto an EMM2 agar plate
supplemented with adenine, leucine, and uracil, either without (upper
plate) or with (lower plate) 10 mM caffeine. The plates were
photographed after 6 days incubation at 30°C. (C) The
int6+ and int6Δ strains
were grown to midlog phase in rich (yeast extract) medium before being
washed and resuspended in EMM2 medium at 106/ml and grown
at 30°C. Cell number was determined for each culture at the times
indicated after shifting to EMM2 medium. (D) Samples from each of the
cultures used in C were taken at 18 h after shift
to EMM2 medium, and were processed for staining with DAPI and
calcofluor (visualized simultaneously using UV excitation; upper
panels), with DAPI and rhodamine-phalloidin to determine DNA and
actin distribution (visualized separately for each of the paired fields
shown; middle panels), or with DAPI and an antitubulin antibody (lower
panels). Arrowheads indicate cells with actin rings (middle panels) or
anaphase cells with mitotic spindles (lower panels). Scale bar, 10