Detection of CAEV SU antibodies in experimentally infected goats by cELISA and IPa
Goat serum | Wks postinfection
IPb | % Ic | IP | % I | IP | % I | IP | % I | IP | % I | |
9910 | Neg | 6.4 | Neg | 11.1 | Neg | 32.6 | Pos | 77.0 | Pos | 87.9 |
9912 | Neg | 7.6 | Neg | 14.1 | Neg | 13.6 | Neg | 48.6 | Pos | 62.8 |
9913 | Neg | 7.7 | Neg | 30.7 | Pos | 83.6 | Pos | 88.6 | Pos | 81.7 |
9914 | Neg | 7.7 | Neg | 14.6 | Neg | 17.0 | Pos | 69.7 | Pos | 77.3 |
9938 | Neg | 13.4 | Neg | 17.4 | Neg | 35.4 | Pos | 69.6 | Pos | 79.8 |
9939 | Neg | 13.7 | Neg | 27.1 | Neg | 22.1 | Neg | 53.5 | Pos | 90.3 |
9940 | Neg | 17.1 | Neg | 30.1 | Neg | 39.7 | Neg | 40.7 | Pos | 92.6 |
9941 | Neg | 12.0 | Neg | 25.6 | Neg | 34.3 | Neg | 55.0 | Pos | 79.2 |
Total no. positive | 0/8 | 4/8 | 1/8 | 6/8 | 4/8 | 8/8 | 8/8 | 8/8 |
Goats were infected intravenously with 104 TCID50 of CAEV-Co. The mean ± SD cELISA value for IP-negative preinfection sera was 10.7 ± 3.9% inhibition. IP-negative postinfection sera with cELISA values of >18.5% inhibition are in bold type. IP-negative postinfection sera with cELISA values of >33.2% inhibition are in bold type and underlined.
Neg, IP negative; Pos, IP positive.
% I, percent inhibition.