Secretion defect in snc1-M43A
yeast. (A) Wild-type (SP1), SNC1 snc2Δ (NY2264), and
snc1-M43A snc2Δ (NY2265) yeast were pulse labeled for
15 min at 37°C with [35S]methionine. Cells were removed
from the media by centrifugation and secreted proteins were
concentrated by TCA precipitation. 35S-labeled proteins in
the media (top) and cell pellet (bottom) were separated on
polyacrylamide gels. (B) 35S incorporated in the 190-kDa
band identified with an arrow in A was quantified using a phosphor
imager. The amount of 35S-p190 secreted was compared with
the amount of total 35S-labeled proteins in the lysate. (C)
Invertase secretion. Wild-type (SP1), SNC1 snc2Δ
(NY2264), snc1-M43A snc2Δ (NY2265), snc1
Δ SNC2 (NY2204), and
snc1Δ snc2-M42A (NY2205) yeast were
shifted to 0.1% glucose media for 20 min at 30°C to derepress
invertase synthesis. External invertase was measured from intact cells
and internal invertase was measured after preparing spheroplasts.