Nonextractable KIF3B colocalizes with skeletal
muscle myosin in differentiating C2C12 cells. (A and B) Confocal image
of C2C12 myotube that has been double labeled with an antibody to
skeletal muscle myosin (A, red) and α-KIF3B-T (B, green). Before
methanol fixation, the myotube was extracted with 0.5% Triton X-100 in
microtubule-stabilizing buffer for 1 min. Merge of images is shown in
C. Patches of skeletal muscle myosin, being assembled into myofibrils
(arrows in A) colocalize with nonextractable accumulations of KIF3B
(arrows in B). Yellow in C demonstrates colocalization of the two
markers under these conditions. Bar, 20 μm.