The N-terminus of coilin mediates
self-interaction. Coilin self-interacts in the yeast two-hybrid system
(A), as well as by coimmunoprecipitation in vitro (B) and from cell
extracts (C). In panel A, various coilin baits, indicated on the left,
were cotransformed into the yeast strain PJ69–2A with coilin prey.
Interaction was defined as the ability of PJ69–2A containing both bait
and prey to grow on selective medium within 3 days. The (+) sign
denotes robust growth after 3 days incubation, whereas the
({minus}) sign represents no growth. The lack of coilin prey
interaction with aa 92–161 or the C-terminal 214 aa of coilin verified
the specificity of the interaction. The interactions were quantified by
performing liquid β-galactosidase assays, as described in MATERIALS
AND METHODS. Values are reported in Miller units and varied by no more
than 20%. (B) Coilin and EE-coilin were in vitro translated with or
without [35S]methionine, respectively. Cold EE-coilin (5
μl) was mixed with 5 μl 35S-labeled coilin and
immunoprecipitated with anti-EE antibodies (lane 2). Lane 3 contains
1/15th the amount of 35S-labeled coilin used in the
reactions. No 35S-labeled coilin was recovered when
immunoprecipitated in the absence of EE-coilin (lane 1) or in the
presence of an EE-tagged heterologous sequence (HS, lane 4). (C) Cell
extracts from GFP-coilin transfected HeLa cells were subjected to
immunoprecipitation with anti-GFP antibodies, followed by SDS-PAGE and
western blotting with antibodies against coilin. Normal rabbit serum
was used as a negative control for immunoprecipitation. Lane 3 contains
10 μl of total cell lysate (TCL) from GFP-coilin transfected cells.
IgG(H) is the immunoglobulin heavy chain. (D) Cell extracts from
myc-coilin(94–576) transfected HeLa cells were immunoprecipitated with
antimyc antibodies, followed by SDS-PAGE and western blotting with
antibodies against coilin. No endogenous coilin is observed in lane 2,
corresponding to the IP using antimyc antibodies. Lane 1 contains 10
μl of total cell lysate (TCL) from myc-coilin(94–576) transfected
cells. Normal mouse serum was used as a negative control for
immunoprecipitation (our unpublished results).