Endocytosis of VZV glycoproteins in a biotin endocytosis assay. HeLa cells were infected with VV-T7 and then transfected with pTM1-gE, pTM1-gE-tailless, pTM1-gH-wt + gL, pTM1-gH-Y835A + gL, pTM1-gH-S830stop + gL, pTM1-gI, or pTM1-gB, as indicated above each set of gels. The samples were processed for the biotinylation endocytosis assay as described in the text. Assays for gE and gI were performed with samples from 35-mm wells, while gH + gL and gB assays were performed with samples from 25-cm2 monolayers. The numbers above each gel indicate the endocytosis time points at 37°C, while the + or − below the numbers indicates glutathione (GSH) treatment. Samples gE, gH, and gB were loaded into 8% gels, while gI was loaded into a 10% gel. Each gel was cropped to show just glycoprotein bands, and the corresponding molecular size marker position is indicated. The experiment with each plasmid was analyzed in the same gel.